Friday, April 27, 2012

Awkward & Awesomely Tangled Thursdays

Trouble sleeping...

I sometimes have some serious insomnia going on...Usually this is a bad thing but there are times when this is the most amazing thing because i get to knit, pay bills, return emails, make some killer playlists, catch up on tv shows online and pin. In the wake of this midnight business I often times come across some of the most amazing blogs while on pinterest. {yes i'm obsessed with blogs. move on.}
So i have found another genius blogger. {Look what you have started jenrenee and jennabee}

another jewel has been found: thedaybookblog {Thank you Pinterest}
I came across this hilarious blogger by the name of sydney poulton.

In the short period of time i have lived in this fashion forward city i have become more and more inspired to revamp my style a bit and take a few fashion risks. {perfect reason why pinning is a must. how do you remember everything you love? see here: Reinventing My Style} While on this quest of fashion adventure i came across a great look that i loved and pinned it immediately. Naturally i clicked on the picture to see the source of the style and that's how i stumbled upon my newest fashion inspiration. Sydney Poulton.
This is what i love about get to see into someone's life and know that you aren't the only person who is awkward and awesome. [thanks sydney}

As i started to read through all of these great entries i came to the genius that is Awkward & Awesome Thursday! {a must read if you have the will have you appreciating every A&A moment you have had in your own life.} I realized this is the story of my life minus the husband & son. It's those moments that have you literally asking yourself out loud? "really?" which happens to me almost hourly.

In honor of A&A Thursdays... I have decided to contribute to the madness and share my A&A's for the week. {Hmm should i start doing this weekly as encouraged by Sydney? something to think about}

and here goes:

-realizing i'm that person who's music is a little loud on the bus when a woman next to me is humming along to adele's 'rumor has it"...without headphones of her own. {sorry stranger...i love adele but apparently so do you!}
-waiting at the bus stop in the rain & wind while your $10 target umbrella makes a joke out of your hair styling attempt this morning by folding outward
-after walking up 3 flights of stares and breathing so hard that the Dunkin donuts cashier asking me if i'm okay and actually giving me a look of judgement when I order my blueberry muffin
{pretty sure that's a good sign i need to work out!}
- A customer calling in for me at work and insisting my name was Twilda. {really?}
- Trying to keep a straight face when the man two seats over from me on the bus is trying to freestyle rap.
- "Honey you really shouldn't talk about wine so much on your blog.Your future husband could be reading this!"-mom
{hmm. shouldn't mr. husband take me for who i am? a girl who likes her cab sauv.}

-The ability to sleep in until your body naturally wakes up after 3 weeks of packing and moving. joy.
-After a month of saying no...being talked into taking a sip of a "green drink"my vegan roommate concocted and actually thinking it's not bad.
-Walking through a huge puddle when it's raining and acting like it's no big deal but secretly loving it
{i love you hunter!}
-Friends coming into town just to help me find a place to live
-Getting to finally really use Urbanspoon and discovering La Madia and it's pizza. {a must try if you are in won't be sorry.
- Finally feeling like i can tell which way is North/ South / East or West just by looking up.
And there you have it.

So here's to being Awkward & Awesome and owning it.

Thursday means almost Friday. yay!

Sunday, April 22, 2012


Now... as many of you may know or have guessed... I'm single. 
surprise surprise. 
a single woman living in chicago. 

So naturally every time i walk out the door of the apartment; there is potential that i could meet mr right or mr. right now...
With that my 72 hour jump from suburb to city; I made the decision to sell my car when i moved here and join the nonexclusive public transportation club. {explains #1 & #2 of my previous entry}
what was i thinking? oh right. i'm a horrible driver.

My feelings about public transportation have drastically changed in the past 6 weeks. When i first started riding the bus; i was the scared passenger that didn't want to touch anything, had my cta card out before i even saw the bus {as if the bus driver would not let me on without seeing it first}, never sat down in fear of missing my stop, always kept my eyes straight ahead to learn my surroundings and of course never talked to anyone.

Fast forward to today and BAM! i feel like an old pro. I'm sitting down, card stays in purse until on bus {the wind will blow it out of your hand}, still don't touch anything except the hand rails {that won't change} and i actually look around and see who's on the bus. These may seem like small things to you but they are huge things to me. 

Since i have become more comfortable on the bus i have started to notice quite a few hottie mchottersons ride the bus as well. who knew? not me because i was too busy not missing my stop. 

Well now i've seen the light...


This brings me to why i called this entry "Public Transportation is the new"

A few weeks ago i got on the bus as usual; settled into a seat and put my headphones on and was enjoying my ride; when "mr. hot" got on the bus.
Now i have seen a lot of hot guys since i moved here but this was different.
Ladies, you know when you see a guy that literally makes your jaw drop, the nervous feeling waves over you and you actually catch yourself staring.
well mr. hot is this for me.
As i'm sitting on the bus trying not to stare i look over at him and realize he's looking at me. yep.
it happened. that moment where you meet eyes with someone and you actually feel like "okay, this person might dig me like i dig them!" 
Two stops later i'm off the bus knowing i will probably never see this guy again. I mean you very rarely see the same people on the bus right?


Four days later i get on the bus just like every other day. not even thinking twice about "mr. hot". i look up and see him standing at the bus stop as we pull up. in a quick second i swing my bag open. grab the gloss, apply. check reflection in window {wind really isn't friendly to short hair} as best i can. and i'm ready.
mr. hot gets on the bus and starts to walk closer to where I am sitting. I quickly take off my sunglasses {my roommate has kindly told me i look stuck up and high maintenance with them on. thanks.} He keeps walking back and i finally get the nerve to look up and he walks past with a smile. he sits diagonally across from me. after a few time passing glances... my stop is coming up. i get up and start to head to the back of the bus when suddenly the guy in front of me decides he's going to stop without any warning. i go to grab on to the rail when i look down and realize i'm standing right in front of mr. hot. legs straddled and all. Just as i start to get my balance the bus starts to move again and i go to grab the closest signal cord which happens to be right next to mr. hot's head and then it happened....the most embarrassing thing. i hit mr. hot in the face with my boob. i kid you not. happened. {for those of you who don't lumps aren't oranges by any means. melons people. melons.} mr. hot got a face full. in the wake of my mortification i quickly pull back my melon and start stuttering out an apology. " omg i am so so sorry!" and what does mr. perfect/mr. hot say you ask? best thing ever. " oh no. trust me. it's totally fine!"
I cough out a giggle and say "great. thanks!" {what? great tanyel. really?} and off the bus i go.
i have a feeling this counts as a first date right?

So for those of you who may hate or fear public trans....
I have to disagree. who knows.
the next one may be the one.

i consider this an ice breaker. don't you agree?

here's to hoping.
here's to mr. hot!!!
Thanks for making my week.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

NFT: Not For Tourist

I have officially been here a month and a half!!! Wahoooooo.
i'm still alive.

A month and a half ago I quit my old job, got a new job, moved to chicago with two suit cases, and started my new job all within 72 hours. Anyone out there that has been wavering on a life change and scared to take the leap...well i'm here to tell ya. step out in faith and it's crazy how things work out.
1st Day

A couple of days before I left Indy; one of my friends gave me a book called
NFT: Not For Tourist.
Chicago edition.
(Thank you L.W)

This book tells you every thing one feels they should know when moving to a different city. awesome right? right!

or so i thought...

Today i have decided that since i have been here a whole month and a half (still feel like a tourist) i should share some of the wisdom i have had the pleasure of learning in my short residency here in the windy city so far...


     A. Get on a freaking bus or train. 
     B. Go to grocery stores right after work. 5-7pm. HELLO MAN MECCA.

2. Don't try to look sexy while standing on the bus. YOU WILL FALL. 

3. Any fluid on the ground could be and probably is pee. WATCH YOUR STEP

4. Cvs & Walgreens for wine. They have at least one bottle on sale. 
    Not the time to be a wine snob. do we really care?
    it's wine on sale.

5.  Last but not least... Don't text and walk. YOU WILL GET HIT BY A CAB.

I'm sure I will have more in the future but for now...there you have it.

words of wisdom for me. Common sense to most.

Happy Hump Day!!!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Art of Packing

It's 1:59am and here I am blogging. Awesome. Just what I need...another hobby/reason to keep me up at night.

We are in full fledge insomnia mode . You wouldn't guess that I have been up for almost 24hrs moving, packing and wishing I was one of those people who owned one pair of shoes, a Mavericks tailgating chair, a wii and a very very large bottle of wine. 
(Is it wrong to buy the bigger bottle if it's on sale?)

What is it about moving that brings out the meanness, grouchiness and down right insane whining in people? Oh wait...I'm talking about myself. 
I'm one of those people that just starts to question every decision I have ever made in my life that led me to this point were I'm on my 16th trip up the stairs and everything in my body is burning. " Why didn't I turn left at the fork in my life?  
Left: laziness/no goals in life.
Right: living out my dreams. ? WHYYYY!? 

The cherry on top was when my family spread like cockroaches when I pulled up driving a 17' Uhaul truck. (if you don't know me...I'm not the best driver. For some reason curbs really like my car)
Okay enough of the complaining. Let me get to the real reason for this entry at 2am. 

Moms & Packing. 

What is it about moms and their ability to know everything there is to know about packing? Since I turn into a 5 year old when I'm packing or moving my mom gave me one responsibility...Pack the towels. (Yep, that's all I'm allowed and trusted to do.) I start loading the box with towels and just as I start to think..."Look at me rocking this out...I'm ready for bigger and better boxes." I look over and my mom has some how got half the room put into one box when I'm barely getting three towels to fit in my box?. wth. I just don't understand how moms just know how to get 500 things into one box when the box is the size of a shoe. It's an ART I tell ya! 
I'm speechless and in awe

So here is a shout out to my mama and every awesome mom out there that knows how to pack a box!!!!! 
Brava. Much respect. 

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Everyone's Doing It

It's official...I'm one of "those people" who has decided to blog about absolutely nothing that no one cares about. yay!!!! Against the advice of my best friend since 4th grade; I have joined the blogging ban wagon. I figure since I'm an only child I can blame the need to talk about myself on that. (Thanks mom)
So I'm sure you are wondering, "Why do you feel you should blog and that anyone would care?" That's a very good question.
(fyi: this is mostly for friends and hush! btw, clearly you are intrigued. You made it past the first paragraph.)

This whole blog obsession thing started about a year ago when I started a new hobby. KNITTING. (insert trumpet sounds here) Since I have a very obsessive personality; naturally I not only started knitting into the wee hours of the night but I also started googling knitting blogs. Low and behold there it was....hey jen of the best blogs ever. One thing led to another and next thing you know I'm clicking on link after link and end up being sent to amazing blog after amazing blog. And go figure....knitting led to foodies which led to photography which directed me right to travel!!
Hello faves.

Now here I am a year later...completely uprooting my life and moving to Chicago within a 4 day period and loving every minute.

Fast forward to a month and a half ago and I'm telling all my friends my insane stories of being single in this gorgeous city and what do I keep hearing " Tanyel you should totally blog about this. It's hilarious!" (Now by "all my friends"...that pretty much consists of 5-6 ladies in my knitting group back home who don't get to see me every Wednesday like they used to, my mom, my favorite daycare teacher that I still keep in touch with and my mom's best friend. Hello fan club.) And that is just what I'm going to do. (I mean who doesn't have a little dream of becoming the next Julie Powell?)

let the blogging begin...

**Dedicating my first blog to the most amazing women I know...
Wednesday Night Knit Stop Rookie Class. I love and miss you guys.**