Sunday, February 17, 2013

A Daughter's Love

Today is February 17th!! 
for most this may just be another day... but for me…it's the day that my most favorite person in the whole wide world was born. 
My Mom. 

Dear mom, 
i just want to take a second to say how much i love you. you are the strongest most amazing woman i have ever had the privilege of knowing. i'm so lucky to have you as my mom. You've set such a wonderful example to me my whole life; been with me through every faze of learning and growing (be it awkward or not) and loved me and taught me everything i know. because of you, i know what a "real" woman looks like…acts like…and expects from herself and others. if it is in my destiny to be a mother…i will count myself lucky to even come close to the kind of mom you have been to me. 
i wish you nothing but love and happiness on this day that the world was blessed with your presence. and remember…i will always be your biggest fan. 

now go eat some cake. 

happy birthday mama!!!!