Friday, January 17, 2014


dear chicago, i love you so much but this weather is a little much. negative 22 degrees to 40 degrees. are you trying to get me sick? this relationship of ours is really starting to get strained. can you hurry up and bring back your gorgeous summer face? dear knit picks, thanks for accepting my expired gift card. i'm not quite sure what i would have done without my knitting during this chiberian insanity. dear  mom, if you could come back to chicago like asap…that would be great. i miss you. thanks. dear tangled friends, thank you so much for all the birthday wishes on instagram, twitter and this here bloggy. you are are so stinkin' sweet. dear youtube,  darn you…why am i just now coming to the vlogging party? i mean…why was i not told earlier how freaking cute some of these families are? shout out to the nive nulls, gabeandbabetv and Patricia Bright! you guys have made my insomnia way more entertaining. oh to you peeps who haven't rsvp'd to this awesome party…subscribe now! i's quite entertaining. dear anthony evans, kari jobe and francesca battistelli, your music has been my life raft these last couple of months. i'm about 100% sure you will never know how much it got me through some tough days. dear soul city, i have no words for how much i love you. i've never been prouder to be a part of such an amazing community of believers. i'm proud to call you my church home and grow with you in the light and love that is Christ.
love really does work.

here's to the weekend


Wednesday, January 15, 2014


online dating. 
i know i know i know. 
i'm clearly a masochist. 

why o why do i do this to myself? oh i know why…i actually listen to my friends sometimes. (clearly i need to reevaluate these peeps. ha.) wait. can i consider tinder online dating? i mean it's just a phone app. hmm. that doesn't make it sound so bad right? 

okay so i'm getting ahead of myself. for those of you who don't know…tinder is a relatively new dating site that is literally only available on smartphones. defined by wikipedia..Tinder is a matchmaking app that facilitates communication between nearby users. It is used for dating as well as other kinds of networking. and for some…that "other kinds" part of the definition is taken literally. if you know what i mean. (i won't go into detail since the mom unit is reading. hi mom.) so i was kindly/forcefully introduced to this app by a friend of mine who's daughter met her current boyfriend through it. it took about 2 months of constant " have you signed up for tinder yet? what have you got to lose?" before i would jump on this highly addictive train. oh and what do i have to lose you ask? well in the beginning i would have said…my dignity, my pride and my overall self worth. ha. clearly those things have gone to the wayside. bring on the swiping. 

how it works. 
so after you download the app you quickly realize it's a facebook trap. yep! you can't have tinder without a facebook account. now some of you may know this but for those of you who don't… i'm not a facebook fan. i had it back in college and once i entered the real world it got a little over the top for me. I DO NOT CARE TO READ TIMELINE UPDATES THAT YOU MADE CHICKEN. ATE THE CHICKEN. PHOTOBOMED THE CHICKEN. AND CLEANED UP THE CHICKEN. anywho, i digress. fast forward to my friend having to literally set up a facebook account for me and teach me how to use it again. yes you read that right. i literally set up a fb account to meet guys. (i'm fully aware of how sad and pathetic that sounds. no need to comment about it.) after a quick fb 101 and 5 uploaded photos later... i was set up and the insanity began. 
now unlike other dating sites i've tried; there is no long drawn out bio section or personality assessment. you literally swipe to the right if you fancy the persons face/body/hair/random life or drinking quotes and to the left if you don't. yep. it's that simple and that shallow. after a few swipes you start matching with people. these matches occur only if both people have swiped to the right. and this is where i have to say…tinder is quite phenomenal. 
so you know how on other dating sites there is this long drawn out back and forth of whether this person likes you or just looked at your profile and didn't say anything. which in turn makes you fully aware that said person thought you were either hideous, poor or uneducated based on your profile stats. well tinder makes it quick and dirty. if someone doesn't like you…
 if they do like you (or i guess your face) IT'S A MATCH! 
please notice the time…insomnia =tinder swiping
oh and i'll let you keep wondering which one is walter ;)
as you can see…once you have matched with someone you have the option to send a message to your new "friend" or you can "keep playing." i have to admit i've only ever reached out first when wine was involved. hello liquid courage. whoops. 
now i've officially been on tinder for 5 months and been on roughly 12-15 dates! (pause for gasp.) 
and i'm still single. 
yep. that's right. i have not found "mr. right swipe" yet. what i have found is…guys who
-think showing me their biceps in a selfie is a must
-bluntly ask me if i "do" or date white guys….(hello clearly i'm a fan of all races….we were just matched which means i swiped you right fool!)
-have pictures of themselves with a celebrity as if that celebrity is going to be hanging with us on our date or on a daily basis. just because you ran into guillana rancic at her restaurant doesn't mean you are friends.
-start conversations off with "yo girl. what up?" STOP. 
- immediately tell me "i'm new to this online dating thing." aren't we all dude? you don't have to disclaimer anything to me. i'm clearly here too. 
- flat out ask me if i'm here for dating or mating? i mean legit question but can we at least discuss the weather, sports, hometowns and what we like about chicago first?
-say "happy hump day" and then add a wink face. ABSOLUTELY NOT! 
-only have group photos as if they are trying to fool you with trickery and deceit. UMM HELLO I KNOW WHICH ONE YOU ARE. THE ONE WHO KEEPS MAKING A DUCK FACE IN EVERY SHOT. JUST OWN IT. 
last but not least...
- actually use professional head shots as their profile pic. are you kidding me with this mess. i'm not a model agency.

people people people. why o why?

what is a girl to do? will i ever learn? 

Monday, January 6, 2014


so it's official. i'm 30. 
i guess it's time to reflect? 
(which we all know just means me ranting for a few lines. hang in there)
now i'm sure most of you are expecting a doom and gloom post. well i'm sorry to disappoint but i may be the only woman on the planet who is over the moon excited about turning 30. twenty schmwenty! 

i recently just read a quote by olivia wilde that sums up how i feel pretty much to the word. "You're 30: You know stuff now. Your 20s were for 'ducking up,' as my auto-correct would say, and learning from those mistakes. (For instance, never again will I convince myself that sleep is for sissies and go straight from a party to the airport. You will not 'sleep on the plane'; you'll vomit in the security line. Go to bed.)"
tell em' olivia!

what is it about this number that freaks everyone out? i mean i have actually lied about my age. and i'm not talking the typical i'm 21 when i'm not lie. i'm talking about meeting someone who was older than me and actually being embarrassed that i was in my 20's. i'm not sure if anyone else feels this way but it's like the moment you tell someone you are in your 20's they start looking for someone else in the room to talk to. cause you clearly haven't "lived" enough to know anything. am i right or am i right? since i was a kid i have always felt drawn to older friends. i blame my mom. i mean when most kids were eating paste i was sitting in on tupperware parties and singles groups. while they gabbed... i read, crocheted, colored and listened in. silently promising myself i would never do those things. ha! decades later and the view hasn't changed very much. insert knitting for crochet and wine for coloring... no more sitting at the kiddie table for me…i'm 30! let me in! let me in! some of my best friends in the world are woman who could quite literally be my mom.  there's just something about talking to someone who has been through way more than you in the sense of years but can keep it real without mothering you. (you know who you are! xoxo)  

i'm not quite sure what or why it is... but turning 30 just gives me hope. the kind of hope that makes nothing feel impossible. here's my theory…(feel free to ignore. i'm ranting remember!) it's like i was handed a map and a pair of blinders when i turned 18 and was told "now have at it". naturally i tossed that map right out the window and did my own thing. on december 26th of 2013 i got that map back. but this time i threw the blinders out the window and can perfectly see my path and can't wait to navigate. (wow that was deep right?)
i feel like i'm really coming into that time in my life of knowing who i am and what i want. (it's the new year…just go with me. i'm feeling all optimistic and gooey with hope.) the last ten years have been such a roller coaster and i feel like i'm finally coming down from the bumpy ride looking back and thinking…
"man. look how far i've come!" 

as far as i'm concerned 30 can bring it! 
We got this! What up! 

and now for a little thanks…
these last two weeks of birthday celebrations have made me feel so loved by the amazing humans in my life. have you ever had that moment when you are sitting with a group of people you love…look around and you realize that no matter how good or bad things are…you are still truly blessed to have them in your life? well i have had quite a few of those moments over these last couple of weeks and feel like one lucky girl. who would have thought that i would be entering my thirties with some of the best friends i have ever had. i mean come one…isn't it a proven fact that you lose "friends" as you get older...just due to the turbulence that is everyday life? well i clearly have been blessed by the friend angels and blew that theory out of the water.  

oh and here's a bit of a photo dump…                                                        
what my definition of love looked like in 2013